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What is NLP?

ANLP, The Association for Neuro Linguistic Programming

Neuro linguistic programming (NLP) is a set of tools and techniques that were first developed in the 1970's in America by a linguist and a psychologist. The tools and techniques have been developed to explore how humans experience the world around them and subsequently how they think about this and make sense of it.

We all experience life in different ways and these experiences in turn lead to us developing beliefs, values and ideas about how the world works. It also guides the way we communicate with others, and how we make sense of the way others communicate with us.

For example have you ever said something to someone and they have completely taken it the wrong way, or got 'the wrong end of the stick' and you are left thinking 'how did that happen?' then you go over and over it in your mind and just can't think HOW they got it so wrong…

Well, NLP gives you tools and techniques to alter the way you communicate with others, taking into account their perspectives and models of how the world works, so you can have better communication with more people more of the time. The key to good communication is this:

' The meaning of communication is the response you get', so if the response is not the one you were expecting or hoping for, then you need to think about how you can change the way you send the communication to that person; maybe it was the tone of your voice, a word you said that that meant something different to them than to you.

Have you ever thought to yourself 'why can't I have the success that others have?' Or do you dream of leading the life you truly want and then say to yourself 'but I will never get there because of...'(excuse, excuse).

NLP is also about the study of how people succeed in whatever they choose to succeed in. Not what they do or how they do it. But their beliefs about themselves in succeeding, the values they base success on, and their attitudes and strategies in developing and sustaining that success.

NLP uses techniques for rapidly changing thoughts, beliefs and therefore behaviours helping you to achieve whatever you want to achieve, without being hindered by the self imposed or self generated limitations we all have to deal with from time to time.

Download the free e-book: The Five Speedy Steps to Life Balance using the EDITH principle

Get in touch!
Contact Christine on 0771 858 4643

NLP helped free me from a lifelong problem

– EPK, Rochdale

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Website design by Caherine Byrne